Plant Based 4 Lent
Plant Based Cuisine
Positive Results Quickly Achieved Living a

Moving towards a more healthy living lifestyle through plant based nutrition you will notice amazing effects on your total wellbeing!  Not everyone will want to become a pure nutritional vegan, but as you approach this and begin to eliminate dairy, meat, fish, chicken and other animal based products, you won't help but want to continue.

You WILL feel better after a few short days/weeks/months.  As you add one day at a time as a nutritional vegan, you will notice significant changes in your body, mind and spirit! 

What are these changes?  Well they are all encompassing because they will transform you.  What to expect:

One of the first thing you will notice is you will become more regular; more than you have ever been!  With the high fiber and intense nutrition found in your plant based meals, your body will begin to cleanse itself of years (maybe decades) of toxins you have absorbed into your cells.

So many Americans are constantly taking pills or supplements for indigestion, acid reflux, heartburn and other digestive irregularities.  You will, almost immediately, discover you do NOT need all these pills.  Your body will digest your food and extract nutrients naturally and efficiently from your plant based foods.  Those symptoms will just fade away into a distant memory!

More energy!  You will begin to feel energized!  Both physically and mentally.  Your body will begin to respond almost immediately to your dietary change.  You will find that you have an increased mental acuity and ability to focus.  Your creativity will increase as will your desire to DO more things!

Weight Loss!  If you are over weight as most Americans are today, you will begin to shed those unwanted pounds, WITHOUT counting calories!  Your body will begin to normalize itself, shed unneeded fat storage as you feed a balanced food supply to your body.  [If you are one of the rare ones who need to gain weight as some children do, you will gain weight in accordance to your body's balance.]

In approximately two weeks, you may notice that your blood pressure begins to lower.  If you are hypertensive, the symptoms and high blood pressure readings may quickly move to a more normal range!  This may necessitate you contacting and/or visiting your doctor to reduce your medication or eliminate it all together.  Eventually you may cease to require artificial blood pressure medications as your body begins to self-regulate naturally.

You may see your blood sugar levels reduce to normal quickly!  If your blood sugar is typically high (pre-diabetes 2) or you have diabetes 2, this whole food vegan approach may help reverse the problem in approximately 30 days.  If you suffer from this problem, an initial focus on more raw plant based nutrition will aid in the quick reversal.  Don't be controlled by medications, YOU control your body!  Naturally, contact your doctore before beginning such a dietary change.

If you have high cholesterol, your readings may start to noticeably drop in about three weeks; significantly!  In some cases, those with excessively high total cholesterol may see dramatic plunges in readings of 50 points or more.  Plus, the HDL increases and the LDL falls more abruptly so your ratios dramatically improve.  Again, if you are on cholesterol reducing medications (especially steroids), contact your doctor for an updated blood test after about three weeks; you may no longer need the meds!

Yes, I did say LOWER grocery bills!  A lot depends on how you approach plant based foods.  If you balance the foods you eat, mixing greens, vegetables, rice, beans, legumes and fruit, you WILL see a reduction.  If however you decide to purchase more 'prepared' vegan foods, you could see an increase in your food budget.  We recommend a balance with a focus on natural whole foods; using the prepared/packaged foods as your 'fast food' meals and in moderation.

Eating balanced plant based meals you will never be hungry.  Because you eat until you are FULL, not counting calories, you never leave the table hungry.  The nice thing is that this fullness will stay with you, eliminating the bad junk food snacking habits.  You may not even realize it is happening, but it WILL!

As your body adjusts to it's new food balance, you may soon realize that you don't have the 'allergies' that you once did.  You may not even get sick!  Not as often anyway.  When people at the office have the sniffles, flu, colds etc. they will be amazed that you never seem to get sick!  Tell them your secret; I eat strictly Plant Based Foods and maintain a whole body wellness that helps me stay healthy!

Lifestyle Disease
If you suffer from Hypertension (high blood pressure), Cancer, Diabetes 2 or auto-immune disease and many others, changing to Plant Based Nutrition may often stop the progression or fully reverse/cure the disease.  Hard to believe, but we can show you the scientific evidence, peer review journals, double-blind tests and labratory results.  Just too much to show here!

And these are just the highlights of changing to a Plant Based Foods regime!  Everyone reacts differently.  In some cases (rare) you may experience a 'detoxing' reaction to your new diet.  This can resemble flu-like symptoms, excessive gas (temporary) and loose stools.  This will gradually dissipate and usually occurs in the first couple of days/weeks.  It is the FIBER!